For the past 5 years people have guessed that I was 27 years old. Which is nice. Cause I’m not. I’m almost 10 years older than that. So, I’ll take it!
So when this thing came about I thought I’d test the waters. I thought I’d be fair and use a photo that was taken of me last month.
![I've still got it.](
Nice! Even this bot thinks I’m 27. I think I’m falling in love with it. Is the younger sister of “Her” do you think? How old is “” Is there a site that can guess the age of How-Old? A How-Old for How-Old, if you will?
I digress.
For giggles, I thought I’d see what age came up for someone who is actually 27 years old right now, Greg Oden! Let’s see!
Ouch! And this is from 2013-2014!! He’s 25/26 in this photo! I gotta give this guy something. Maybe it gets better when I use a picture from when he was younger.
Dang. One year? And this might be draft day for all I know. Dang. Sorry. Maybe he will fair better with a picture from when he was even younger? Like, maybe one when he was in high school.
![He was 15!?!?](
NOPE! That is rough. Especially when you realize this picture was taken when he was 15 YEARS OLD!!
Greg Oden is just an old looking dude. I can’t help him. Old legs, old body, oldest face ever. Poor guy.
And according to Sports Illustrated Oden is working out and considering an NBA comeback.
To that I say what Thor once said to another famous Oden (or in this case Odin):