You know what the problem with girls in the dating scene is?
Most of ’em! Probably sometimes all of them. Because so many guys hit on girls in such wildly inappropriate ways that it makes girls sensitive to just being approached with a simple, “Hello.”
And I can’t blame women for this reaction because the whole atmosphere in the dating scene is filled with the stench of creepy skeeves who say disgusting things to women. And that stench is Axe Body Spray. Phoenix.
Boy, do guys say some distasteful stuff to women. Where do they get that crap from, the chat transcript Chris Hansen reads from in an episode of To Catch a Predator?
Seriously, do dudes watch Chris Hansen interrogate a pedophile with their own words from a chat and go, “I’ve gotta remember that one!?” Cause given the way women react to what dudes whisper in their ears I can only imagine the guys are saying stuff as bad as what gets would-be child molesters arrested on To Catch a Predator.
Granted, that’s the worst of it, but it’s not like the best case scenario for an unpleasant encounter with a guy is much better. From what my female friends have said about going out it’s pretty off-putting for a guy to leer at them with a dead-behind-the-eyes stare.
This makes dating for us normal guys difficult and therefore even more difficult for women. Normal guys run into awkward situations and misinterpretations of their behavior making men hesitant to approach women. Women are frustrated that normal guys don’t approach them.
Every nice guy I know has had a bad experience when they were legitimately just trying to say, “Hello.” But the woman, leery of creeps, snaps at the poor guy. Or worse, they are treated like a creep. It happens a lot to all of us normal guys when we literally only say, “Hey, how’s it going?”
I would like to think that the women who react this way have a girlfriend saying to them in faux-exasperation, “I knoooow, right? It must be sooo hard to have nice, normal, reasonably attractive, together men say hello to you. Life is sooo tough for you to have someone be pleasant and genuine. Bitch please!”
Okay, she doesn’t have to go all 90’s fad-phrase on their friend. Unless that’s just a joke they have with each other.
My point is this. John Mayer was kinda right when he sang “Daughters.” I hate to admit it ’cause it’s my least favorite John Mayer song, but it’s true. If men did act more polite, genuine, and respectful of women it would make it easier for the rest of us to go out into the dating world…and just the World in general.
Somehow this is the Ying Yang Twins fault. I really hate those guys.
This message will probably not be returned just like most messages I leave girls aren’t. #DatingWorldProblems