If I Were a Late Night Talk Show Host

A man in California is accused of trading his dad’s car in for $50 worth of crack cocaine.  His lawyer plans to argue that since it was a Chevy Cobalt, it was actually a pretty good deal.


After winning an Emmy last night, actress Kristin Chenoweth had to be treated by paramedics for a migraine.  So I wasn’t the only one who got a headache listening to her speak.


A man in Florida was arrested for driving his motorcycle naked.  The man’s prison nickname?  “Crotch rocket.”


Speaking of naked guys in Florida, a naked 91 year old man held an intruder at gunpoint outside of his home until police arrived.  Police say the man used a .45, but it was cold out so really a .22.


A dad in Connecticut punched a man at a middle school open house last week.  He then took his lunch money.  Witnesses say the fight started over who would get to take Jenny to the “Enchantment Under the Sea” dance.


The 2009 World Burrito Eating contest was held on Friday.  The winner ate 33 1/2 burritos to win the contest.  The losers?  Anyone in a 30 mile radius of where the man lives.
It took him 10 minutes to eat 33 burritos.  And 10 seconds to get rid of them.

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